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Getting Hideous: How to start playing Hideous Destructor for GZDoom

Hideous Destructor is a free and open source mod for the GZDoom engine that turns Doom into a tactical shooter. Here's how to get it up and running.

March 9th, 2021

I've been playing a mod for Doom recently called Hideous Destructor (which I will abbreviate to HiD for the remainder of this article). The gist of it is that it turns Doom into a tactical shooter. It does some of what you would expect, such as adding more weapons and refining and expanding upon the weapons already present, sure, but it also does so much more. It adds way more challenges to things like moving around, recovering from wounds, picking what to carry with you and how much you want to carry into a fight, way more equipment and mechanics to work along or potentially aide you in the increased challenge, and so much that it's almost arguably a completely different game than Doom. However, even if it goes against a lot of what makes Doom hold up, such as fast and free movement and no carry limits on weapons, it is executed really well and provides an experience that neither Doom nor ARMA or Rainbow 6 can compare to.
I'll write an in-depth review of Hideous Destructor later on explaining exactly what I like about the game so much that makes it the perfect bridge between the gap of Doom and Arma and how both of those other genres of games can take notes to provide a unique experience, but for now, I'll just write about how to get this thing set up so you can try it for yourself, because while there are plenty of tutorials explaining how to play this thing, and setting up the mod itself is the same as any other GZDoom mod, it took me a while to figure out all the options and controls and features I had access to as a player, and I outright didn't have any idea that I was actually able to perform certain actions or do certain things until I had been playing the game for several hours. While some of that discovery over time was fun and added to my experience of the mod, some of it would have been good to know earlier on.
This article will go over how to set up GZDoom and the mod itself, and setting up your controls and loadout and starting the game, as well as understanding not just what to configure and do, but why and how.

Getting a ZDoom sourceport to play Hideous Destructor on

There's three sourceports in the "ZDoom" family of sourceports, but I'm going to narrow down the differences and which one you should download for yourself:

So, for example, I'm using LZDoom because I've run HiD so far on my 2012 Thinkpad X230 and my Raspberry Pi 4, but if I return home to my gaming PC and I decide I want to run some ZDoom mods including but not limited to HiD, I'll be running GZDoom on that one because I know it's new enough to support the latest graphics standards.
On Windows, you can just extract the zip file for it somewhere and run it from there. On Mac, you likely install it system-wide, or you might unzip it and run it somewhere. On Linux, you can install the Ubuntu/Debian package if you have one of those two distributions, or you can try to find it in your distribution's package repository, or you can download and compile the source code to yield a binary.

Getting an IWad to play Doom

Even if you want to just go straight to Hideous Destructor without playing the original Doom, you still need what is called an "IWAD" that represents the base game. I'll explain in a later article on Doom modding what WADs are, but right now, you just need to know that an IWAD is a WAD file containing the data for the game that your choice of Doom engine needs in order to launch. It contains levels, the soundtrack, monster sprites, and all sorts of other stuff that aren't just provided by the engine and the game logic inately. You need one to load other mods, such as HiD, on top of. HiD is compatible with two of them, and you only need to pick one:

When you download your IWAD of choice, make a directory on your computer's storage somewhere for all your Doom things, and put your IWADs in there. Ideally, this shouldn't be far from the directory where your ZDoom executable is if it isn't installed system-wide.

Getting Hideous Destructor

You can pick up the mod from this forum post.
Download it and put it somewhere in your computer's file system, ideally a place you'll put other Doom mods too, ideally near the same directory as your ZDoom install. Don't even bother unzipping it, because both ZDoom versions can load the mod straight from the zip file.

Launching and configuring ZDoom itself

To launch ZDoom (I'll use this one to refer to either one of the engines since they both function the same with a different feature set, just don't use actual OG ZDoom, use LZDoom or GZDoom), you need to launch it from within a directory where it can scan for IWAD files. This can mean opening a command prompt, navigating within that prompt to where your IWADs are, and then executing ZDoom's command, or it can mean dragging your IWAD files into the same directory as ZDoom and running it. If you're unfamiliar with using your OS's command prompt or terminal, I would reccomend that latter option.
Do this, and you'll successfully launch Doom (or FreeDoom). This is great, because Doom is awesome, except you clicked on this article in order to learn how to configure HiD! However, it's a good idea to boot into regular Doom anyways to learn how to launch the sourceport you're using by default and to verify that you've got it working right. That, and you'll want to configure ZDoom's settings. Go into the video settings, the render settings, etc. Make sure the resolution is set right for your screen. Check which rendering engine you're using (I strongly recommend the OpenGL renderer for ZDoom, especially so for mods like HiD, but the software renderer might get better performance on really old or really basic computers), and if it's OpenGL, you're using, go into the OpenGL options, find the option for "Texture Filtering" and turn it down to "Closest" or "Off". Texture Filtering is a great option for modern 3D games, but with Doom's chunky, low-res textures, it just makes all the sprites and textures, including those of monsters, look blurry and ugly. Turning it off will make them look pixelated and give that classic Doom feel as God intended. Lastly, configure your movement controls; make sure you're using WASD to move around, the E or F key to interact with objects (more on that in a minute), Space to jump, Shift to run, and Control to crouch.
Once you're confident you've configured everything to your liking (and you can jump straight into the game if you want to test some stuff out), you can quit the game and get to trying to run HiD.

Getting Hideous Destructor all set up

So, if you're savvy with computers and the command prompt, all you need to know is that you can launch the ZDoom executable from the same directory as your IWAD files and with the path to your HiD zip file as an argument, and it'll load ZDoom up with the Hideous Destructor mod up, and bam, you're up and running. Do with that information what you will, whether it's just manually typing the command to run it directly, or writing a shell script/batch script to make that process simpler.
If you're not so savvy with computers, I'll help you out a bit. First you need to navigate in a file browser over to the directory where you keep your ZDoom executable file. Then, you need to make sure your all your IWADs are in that directory. Finally, I believe that on most systems including Windows, Mac, and user-friendly Linux distros and shells, that you can just drag a file over another file to try opening that file with the other file. Drag the zip file for HiD over the executable file for ZDoom, and ZDoom will open the HiD zip file as a Doom mod, and bam, you're in the game.
If you're OS doesn't allow you to do that, instead you'll have to create a shell script (or batch script as it's named on Windows) to launch ZDoom with the HiD mod. This is a reasonably simple process. First, make sure your LZDoom executable, your IWADs, and your HiD zip are all in the same folder. Next, rename the HiD zip from whatever its name is to just "", and rename your ZDoom executable to "lzdoom" (or GZDoom if you're using that, and make sure you leave the ".exe" on the end if you're on Windows. Don't fret if you don't see it at first since Windows hides known file extensions like .exe by default.). Open up your text Xeditor of choice (make sure it's a plain text editor, not a word processing program. MS Office won't work, but Notepad on Windows or the Text Edit program on MacOS will.
Type something to the effect of the following without any quotation marks: "./lzdoom". The lzdoom bit should be renamed to whatever you named your ZDoom executable, and if you're on windows, it should have the ".exe" bit at the end of the executable file name, and it doesn't need to start with "./". Now, save this file. Save it in the same directory as your ZDoom executable as "" (or "run_hid.bat" on Windows). On a Unix system, like MacOS or Linux, you'll need to change the file permissions of this shell script before you can run it. On Mac, you can just use the Finder GUI to add executable permissions by right-clicking on the file and clicking the "Get Info" option, but on Linux, you'll have to open a terminal, navigate to the directory of the shell script, and use the chmod command to make it executable.
At this point, you can double click on the shell script to run it, and your ZDoom engine should launch with HiD loaded as a mod. You're just about ready to play HiD at this point, but there's some more controls that you should bind.

(Note: A recent update to Hideous Destructor has consolidated some of these options into the HD Options menu. Select that one if you don't see "HD Controls" or "HD Loadouts" and you want to access either of those.)

What controls you'll need in Hideous Destructor, and why

HiD might have more controls than the average Doom mod, but it's not impossible to get the hang of, and you'll get used to it once you have a set up you're comfortable with. HiD could perhaps abstract some of these controls to some in-game menu so that you have less buttons to press, but I was able to learn all the real important ones without too much trouble.
Most of these options are in the "HD Controls" menu. I'll not only tell you what they do and why you should bind them, but what keys I use by default. Keep in mind that I put frequently-used functions near my movement keys, and lesser used ones on the end of the keyboard farther away from my movement keys.

Still with me? There's only one more control left, and it's not in the "HD Controls" menu. Instead, you'll want to go back to the main menu, navigate to "Options", then "Customize Controls", and finally "Inventory".
ZDoom introduces a basic "Inventory system" that doesn't normally change anything about vanilla Doom, but that mods can take advantage of in various ways to introduce new gameplay elements. HiD takes advantage of just that, and you'll need to bind your inventory keys in order to be able to use all sorts of vital equipment. I personally have my arrow keys reserved for the task. I bound the right and left arrow keys to scrolling between the "Next" and "Previous" items respectively, meanwhile the down key drops one of whatever item is selected on the floor and the up key "activates" it. For most of these items, "Activating it" doesn't activate it right away, but puts it in your hands and gives you instructions on how to use it. For example, "Activating" a stim pack gives you a text popup about how to use the stimpack and what it's for, as well as a warning label reminding you not to take one too many and overdose, which can kill you if you're not careful.

Ok, it's time to start playing the mod proper!

Select the "New game" option, pick your loadout, select whether you want to go to the firing range or to actually start playing through Doom's levels, select your difficulty, and you're off to the races!

Now what?

If you want more resources to learn how to play Hideous Destructor effectively, here's some resources that helped me that I can recommend:

If you want some of my own tips and findings from experience regarding this mod:

Good luck on your demon-slaying crusade, and have fun!

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